The Push and Pull of Persuasion: A Perfect Match!

Are you struggling with making a connection in the dating world? Push-pull examples can be a great way to break through any awkwardness and create an instant spark between you and your date.

This technique is based on the idea of creating tension by alternating between pushing someone away and then pulling them closer, allowing for an exciting dynamic that can help establish a strong bond quickly. In this article, we’ll explain how push-pull works and give some troubleshooting tips for swipe cheaters login examples so you can start using it right away!

Push Pull Strategies in Dating

Push-pull strategies, also known as ‘approach-avoidance’ tactics, are a powerful tool in the dating arena. This strategy involves showing interest in someone while simultaneously sending mixed signals that suggest you actually don’t want to be with them.

It can be incredibly effective at creating a sense of mystery and intrigue around you, making someone want to pursue you more intently.

The idea behind push-pull is that by demonstrating both an attraction and a repulsion towards someone, they will become intrigued and confused, yet still find themselves drawn towards you.

Benefits of Using Push Pull Tactics

One of the most effective dating tactics is the use of push-pull. This strategy involves alternating between being cold and distant to hot and passionate in order to pique your partner’s interest. Push-pull works because it keeps things interesting, sparks emotions, and shows you’re not easily won over by your partner.

When using push-pull, it’s important to pay attention to your timing. You must alternate between pushing away (being cold and distant) and pulling in (being hot and passionate) when it is appropriate for the situation.

Examples of Push Pull Techniques

Push-pull techniques are a common way to engage someone in conversation and build attraction. They involve sending mixed signals, alternating between positive full Posting and negative messages or actions. This sends the message that you are interested but not desperate, which can be attractive to potential partners.

Examples of push-pull techniques include:

  • Complimenting someone and then teasing them lightly about something they’ve said or done.
  • Showing interest in someone’s hobbies or interests, then acting aloof when they express enthusiasm for it.
  • Touching someone briefly during conversation, then pretending not to notice when they react positively.

When to Avoid Push Pull Tactics

Push pull tactics can be an effective way to create attraction and build tension in a relationship, but they should be used with caution. When it comes to dating, push pull tactics should only be used when both parties are comfortable with the idea of playing games.

If one party is not comfortable with this style of communication or feels uncomfortable or manipulated by it, then it should not be used as part of the relationship dynamic. Ultimately, push pull tactics can be beneficial in some cases; however, if the intention behind them is not clear or if someone does not feel safe playing these types of mind games, then it would be best to avoid them altogether.


BBWCupid is a dating site that has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to provide an inclusive environment for plus-size singles. It offers features such as messaging, advanced search, and profile customization so users can easily find potential partners who match their interests and desires. The push pull of BBWCupid is evident in how the website caters to the needs of its users.

On the one hand, it provides a safe space for those looking to date someone with a similar body type or lifestyle. This eliminates fear of judgment or rejection from potential partners based on physical appearance or lifestyle choices.


Push-pull examples in the context of DateMyAge involve a range of tactics that can be used to attract users and keep them engaged. One approach is to use push notifications to deliver relevant content, such as new matches or upcoming events, directly to the user’s device. This keeps the site top-of-mind and encourages users to return regularly.

Another tactic involves providing incentives for engagement such as discounts on subscription fees or free trial periods. This serves as an incentive for users who may not be ready to commit but are interested in exploring what DateMyAge has to offer.


ComeWithYou is an excellent dating app that makes it easy for users to find potential partners. The app’s push-pull feature is especially useful in helping users meet someone special. With its intuitive interface, users can easily specify their interests and preferences as they search for the perfect match.

Once a user finds a profile they are interested in, ComeWithYou makes it easy to initiate contact with a simple push of the button. This allows users to start conversations quickly and without any awkwardness or hesitation. If someone contacts you through the app, you can easily pull them into your network by responding to their message or initiating contact yourself.


Datehookup is an excellent dating app that makes it easy to find potential matches. It has a wide variety of search options and allows users to filter their results based on age, gender, location, and interests. The push/pull feature is particularly useful in helping users find compatible partners quickly and easily.

Datehookup’s intuitive interface allows users to quickly scroll through profiles and view photos before deciding if they want to make contact with someone. The app offers a chat feature which enables users to communicate with other singles in real time.

What are the benefits of using push/pull techniques in dating?

Push/pull techniques can be a powerful tool in dating. By alternating between pushing and pulling behaviors, you can build tension, create mystery, and even make your date feel more attracted to you. When pushing you could playfully tease your date or make them wait for an answer to a question they asked. When pulling you could compliment them or express interest in something they said.

How can a person know when it’s appropriate to use push/pull in their interactions with potential partners?

When it comes to dating, using push/pull can be a great way to create some excitement and keep things interesting. Push/pull is a technique of alternating between showing interest in someone and then pulling away or being aloof. It’s important to use this technique in moderation, as too much pushing or pulling can come off as manipulative.

What are some examples of push/pull strategies that have successfully led to relationships?

1. Making yourself available: Being open to getting to know someone and making yourself available is a great way to create an opportunity for the relationship to grow.
2. Initiating conversations: Starting conversations with the person you’re interested in can be a nice way of encouraging them to open up and get to know one another better.